Mason Works Blog

We are a Sales and Marketing Service Company.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Video in email

Video is a great way to communicate!

We recommend using video to "talk" to your customers. Most people's email accounts will not allow you to send large files, so historically videos have been housed on a website and then a link is placed in your email letter. Here's the way we suggest you do it:

In order to make sure your video is displayed to recipients, try using a still image (.gif or .jpg) of your video as it appears inside a video player, with the recognizable PLAY button making it clear that a video is contained therein. This can easily be accomplished by taking a screenshot of the video as it appears on your screen, then cropping the image so only the video player remains.

When recipients click on the image of your video, direct them to a landing page on your site containing the video. While this redirection may alarm some members of your audience who expected the video to play, it is a very common email practice. Be sure the landing page they are directed to is designed in such a way that it eases any concerns they may have. Not only should the video in question be front and center on the landing page, but calling out the video specifically in the page's Title tag can prevent users from closing the window if the page takes a few seconds to load. To further optimize your message, use alt text in the filename of the video image and provide a text version of the link to the landing page to make sure that recipients who have images disabled on their incoming messages are made aware that a video is available for viewing.
Please let us know if you have any questions.


Blogger Unknown said...

You can try sending your videos via 2large2email ( It's easy and simple enough to use.

3:44 PM  

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